viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

WebQuest 3

A) About Horses

1.  5 most common pathologies of horses
  1. Cushing's Disease, It is a common disease that affects the endocrine system of animals. It is an incurable disease, but it can be controlled in most cases, with proper medication. The result of a problem that affects the pituitary gland, Cushing's disease causes the pituitary to manufacture excessive amounts of a hormone known as cortisol.
  2. Tetanus, It is a dangerous infection that is caused by bacteria entering a wound of the horse. You can also pass a pony from its mother through the umbilical cord. The first symptoms of this disease are cramping and stiffness in muscles, with horses having spasms in the neck, back legs, jaw, and the region near the wound where bacteria first had access.
  3. Equine Encephalitis, Mosquito bites can infect horses with a disease known as viral encephalitis, which commonly occurs in three ways. Eastern, Western and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis each horse attacks the central nervous system. High fever that lasts for a period of two to three days is the initial sign of the disease in horses.
  4. Cleft palate. The most common presentation is a defect in the caudal part of the soft palate as a result of a failure to complete fusion of the palatal shelves. Although not confirmed it is hereditary, it is not advisable to cross affected foals. Clinical manifestations include bilateral nasal discharge with milk or food immediately after eating the food. The diagnosis is confirmed by intraoral or nasal endoscopic examination, appreciating communication between oral and nasal cavity.
  5. Pathologies of the premolars and molars, The horse has 6-8 maxillary premolars, 6 maxillary premolars, 6 mandibular molars mandibular premolars and 6. Morphologically, there is no difference between them and 6 of each arch (premolars and 3 molars 3) behave as a single functional unit. The main clinical findings in dental disease are these: difficulty in chewing or chewing slowly, drop food from the mouth, progressive weight loss, continuous head movements, problems mounted, back pain, mandibular facial swellingnasal discharge (maxillary empyema).

2. Horse's  Digestive System

3. Horse's External Anatomy

B) The farm animal I´ve chosen is rabbit
1. The website I've selected is
In this website there is a lot of information about this pretty animal.  How to care they, what is their behavior, tips about the health of these animals, a lot of pretty pictures and many articles about the details of have a rabbit in a house.

2. Rabbit's External Anatomy

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