lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

I love animals specially rabbits. They are so clean, intelligent and docile. They can survive in any situation and enviroment.
The rabbits an found in almost all regins of the world from the desert to the polar ice.
The first news of rabbits domestication date back to roman times.
There are marked differences between them  either by coat, size, color, skind estructure and aspects of their cars.
Rabbit are stricty vegetarian but in their diet should by included both protein an fiber(concentrate and hen)

I love my rabbit. He appoached me askind to be caressed sticking his head between my legs or tapping my part of my body.He also gave me kisses in my feet. Infortunat he suddenly died but I remenber him every day and night.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

My favorite piece of technology

I love music, I love walking and I love to do both at the same time, that is the reason I never leave my house without my MP3 player.  I try to keep as much different music as possible, although there is little space available, however I manage to be able to vary from day to day with what I hear. Try to play random songs and have few repetitions even though I walk a lot and travel a lot by bus.

What I have a hard time achieving safe is to keep save the headphones because I always find a way to break them or damage them. At least now I have lasted much more and that has been a relief.

Once I was about to give up this faithful device. I got it when I got off the subway and went over the edge of the walk up to the line. It was terrible. However, I got a security guard down to the line and pick it for me ... That was an interesting experience ...