viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

What is your favorite dog breed's name? 

  • Sealyham Terrier 


    Vocabulary Activity:

    sprinter : velocista 

    jogger: Trotador

    breed: raza

    to hunt: cazar

    laid-back approach: enfoque relajado

    watchdog: perro guardián

    grooming: aseo


    II) Vocabulary:

     accurately:Precisión; exactitud

     toddlers : Bebe; guagua.

    meaningful: significativo.

    whimper or tail-wag: guemido.

    marvel: maravillarse; sorprenderse.

      ropey: chungo; de mala calidad.

    pungent: acre; picante; áspero.

    III) TV Shows

    a) Dogs 101, it's a tv show where we can see different types of dogs and learn to care of them

    b) Animal Cops, it's an important program that shows how people (animal police force) that investigates and punishes the abuse against pets.

    c) Puppy Bowl, shows an amusing imitation of the American football bowl game using dogs.  The only reason to watch this is spend a very good time





jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

"Faith no More"

I like kinds of music. Music is a importanta part of my life. My favorite styles are rock, jazz, jazz, bossanova and salsa.

My favorite band is Faith no MOre. It's an alternative rock band succeed in the nineties. They banded in San Francisco California, with Billy Gould as bassit, Mike Bordin at the drums, Roddy Bottum y Mike Patton as the lead singer.

They stand out for mixing up styles, such as rock, funk, hardcore, hip hop and heavy mertal.

My favorite song is called "easy". It's a very gentle soft theme that gives me a tranquility feel and brings me back good memories.


  • What is your opinion about Cloning?
I think the cloning is a very delicated topic. I feel that men still don't have the wisdom necessary to manipulate genetically other living beings.

  • What is your opinion "Barras Bravas"?
I don't like barras bravas  and I disagree totally their actions. I think they spoil the soccer  activities and sports in general so they should be more controlled by police and people  in general .

  • What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
I think killing them is not the rewal solution to the dog overpopulation problem. Instead the goverment together with veterinary Medicine Schools should organize mass sterilazation programs in the country to control farther propagation.

  • What is your opinion about tatoos?

I like them, but I think the design must be chosen carefully there are many people who are tatooed with images they later feel regretful for.

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

  • I think they're really lovely animals. In fact I had  a rabbit and it brought a lot of joy to my family. They are very sensitive pets, and require special cares and frequent visits to the veterinary  health control.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

"Si buscas resultados distintos, no hagas siempre lo mismo"
My name is Geraldine Silva.I was born in Santiago,Chile.I studied at Colegio Santa Ana in Ñuñoa.I completed high school studies at Liceo number seven in Providencia.  I study in Universidad de Chile in the degree the Veterinary Medicine but I not finish. Also  I work in the cafe Mug in PRovidencia, Santiago.

I like all kinds animals but my favorite is polar bear.I lioke plays video games and ride a bike and running.

I have two sister. Now,  I live only my mother because my father lives in Algarrobo.

My place favorite its beach. I loved the sea.