viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

What is your favorite dog breed's name? 

  • Sealyham Terrier 


    Vocabulary Activity:

    sprinter : velocista 

    jogger: Trotador

    breed: raza

    to hunt: cazar

    laid-back approach: enfoque relajado

    watchdog: perro guardián

    grooming: aseo


    II) Vocabulary:

     accurately:Precisión; exactitud

     toddlers : Bebe; guagua.

    meaningful: significativo.

    whimper or tail-wag: guemido.

    marvel: maravillarse; sorprenderse.

      ropey: chungo; de mala calidad.

    pungent: acre; picante; áspero.

    III) TV Shows

    a) Dogs 101, it's a tv show where we can see different types of dogs and learn to care of them

    b) Animal Cops, it's an important program that shows how people (animal police force) that investigates and punishes the abuse against pets.

    c) Puppy Bowl, shows an amusing imitation of the American football bowl game using dogs.  The only reason to watch this is spend a very good time





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